1 名前: 名無しさんの野望 2020-07-02 18:35:24 ID:4ZTIzMGMw
『リーグ・オブ・ レジェンド』のストラテジーカードゲーム、『レジェンド・オブ・ルーンテラ』が登場。無料でプレイ。
※次スレは>>950が建てること 踏み逃げされた場合は>>970
【LoR】Legends of Runeterra 3【ルーンテラ】
【LoR】Legends of Runeterra 65【レジェンド・オブ・ルーンテラ】
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: checked:vvvvv:1000:512:: EXT was configured
(deleted an unsolicited ad) -
373 名前: 名無しさんの野望 (ワッチョイW 3a62-xROu) 2020-07-03 20:26:26 ID:4ZTIzMGMw
TL;DL? I got you, friends. I tried my best to distill 2 hours of info, and here it is.
Card Development
* The majority of the playerbase is on mobile.
* Discard Decks need some help to be fully realized.
* The dev team expects players to crack any meta deck and find a weakness. If the players fail to after considerable time, they said 40 hours of trying to crack it, then balance changes will be introduced.
* BALANCE CHANGES IN 1.5, breaking the cycle.
* The development team doesn't want to do neutral cards because they are either staples in every deck or absolutely useless.
* Alternate game modes will be used to make unpopular or underused cards still be viable.
* We will one day see champions original to Legends of Runeterra.
* The goal is for every format to be sustained and reused, even in limited windows.
* L.A.B.S. will show the flexibility of the core gameplay engine.
* Some events will span multiple games (LoR, LoL, TFT, Wild Rift, etc.).
* Expect card cosmetics in the future (remained vague on all details).
* Multiplayer game modes are being considered as the next horizon (2v2, 2vBoss, other social modes). Want to set up a competitive foundation, then set up a co-operative foundation.
* Fast card release to satisfy players while the foundation of game modes is established.
* "Gauntlets are the beginning of the flood" -Yipp. July and August will be busy.
* Use RNG for skill testing, not for randomness.
* Yipp is excited to develop Void champions into cards.
ゲームディレクターのAndrew Yippにインタビューした内容がRedditに載ってた