1 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (ワッチョイ) 2019-09-19 00:00:00 ID:cnyYwaeE00
オートカス、地雷晒し- part7
951 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-06 00:00:00 ID:BuK3k.vwSa
戦闘力ばっか高くて探索低レベルでペロってんの普通に草だろ テメェみたいな最低限の立ち回りも調べず入って来るカスは探索来るなよ
952 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-06 00:00:00 ID:N4Pk1IXoSa
探索33で初ペロッ 盾が全く機能してなくて
物理コンボで狙われると辛いな -
953 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん</b> (ワッチョイ)<b> 2019-12-06 00:00:00 ID:v27A8jHE00
まっく 剣
https://i.imgur.com/EQVyd4L.jpg -
954 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-06 00:00:00 ID:BuK3k.vwSa
詐欺優先して戦闘力12万で入って来て探索低レベルでペロって謝罪もないの十分地雷だと思うが 頭沸いてんのか?
955 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん</b> (ワントンキン)<b> 2019-12-06 00:00:00 ID:K.2ydvHEMM
https://twitter.com/TAKAHIR21926931/status/1172086709950930944?s=19 -
956 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん</b> (ワッチョイ)<b> 2019-12-06 00:00:00 ID:bXXfyqE.00
トップランカーはもう詐欺らなくても12万行ってるんだが、、 -
957 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (ワッチョイ) 2019-12-06 00:00:00 ID:cNot8BpU00
そこの間違いは謝罪する すまん だが詐欺装備じゃないなら尚更地雷なんじゃないのか -
958 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん</b> (ワッチョイ)<b> 2019-12-06 00:00:00 ID:v27A8jHE00
でもそれなら最初からそう書いてくれ最初の文脈だと高戦闘力が死んだこと以外わからんよ -
959 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん</b> (ワントンキン)<b> 2019-12-06 00:00:00 ID:K.2ydvHEMM
文盲の書く説明は文章自体が地雷だう(。・w・。 ) ププッ
960 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-06 00:00:00 ID:BuK3k.vwSa
こちらこそ申し訳ない -
961 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-06 00:00:00 ID:BuK3k.vwSa
962 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん</b> (ワッチョイ)<b> 2019-12-06 00:00:00 ID:bXXfyqE.00
マモンはバフなくてもステ盛れば耐えられたからバフは甘えかもしれんが、今回の探索30のダメージはどうなのかわからん -
963 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (ワッチョイ) 2019-12-06 00:00:00 ID:GqM7LqZk00
https://twitter.com/TAKAHIR21926931/status/1200485567600807936? -
964 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん</b> (ワッチョイ)<b> 2019-12-06 00:00:00 ID:xifuY0jQ00
965 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん</b> (ワッチョイ)<b> 2019-12-07 00:00:00 ID:WsKVKlaE00
「アホなユーザー」って何なの?あなたくらいしか思い浮かばないのですが・・・ -
966 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (ワッチョイ) 2019-12-07 00:00:00 ID:UmnN8qEQ00
もうだいぶ前から全然やる気なくてログボ時々貰うだけの初期勢としては、これだけ文句言いながら続けているモチベがどこにあるのか、彼を惹き付ける魅力が今のミトラのどこにあるのか知りたい。 -
967 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん</b> (ブーイモ)<b> 2019-12-07 00:00:00 ID:FwCL5NIoMM
グルマスだけしかいないグループが370個あるんじゃないの -
968 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん</b> (ラクラッペ)<b> 2019-12-07 00:00:00 ID:qSW.fFv6MM
ヤク中レベルだな -
969 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (ワッチョイ) 2019-12-07 00:00:00 ID:kM2MGhkw00
⋆小世界 ID189153336
おまけに無言の害悪セット -
970 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
971 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
972 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
973 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
974 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
975 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
976 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
977 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
978 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
979 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
980 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
981 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
982 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
983 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
984 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
985 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
986 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん</b> (ワントンキン)<b> 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:Dr3fA4iMMM
987 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (ワッチョイ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:e3ZVy2is00
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
988 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (ワッチョイ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:e3ZVy2is00
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
989 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (ワッチョイ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:e3ZVy2is00
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
990 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
991 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
992 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
993 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
994 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
995 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
996 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
997 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
998 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
999 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny. -
1000 名前: ミトラスな名無しさん (アウアウ) 2019-12-08 00:00:00 ID:1txndaXYSa
Mind can be observed and known. But you can know directly only your own mind, and not another's. You may look into my face and guess the meaning of the smile or frown, and so read something of the mind's activity. ( 1 ) that is not always right. You may learn to recognize my features, know my voice, respond to the clasp of my hand; but the mind, the consciousness, which feels my joys and sorrows, You can never know completely.
Therefore, it follows that only you can ever know you and only I can ever know I directly. Between your consciousness and mine, there exists a wide gap that cannot be bridged. We may work together, live together, come to love or hate each other. But our mind can never be understood entirely by other people. We must live our own lives, think our own thoughts, and arrive at our own destiny.